Case of the Month

Checklist problems 2 – Case 317

A 4 year-old child was listed for umbilical hernia repair. On the day of surgery, the child was upset and difficult to examine. In an attempt to placate her, the trainee drew a midline ‘smiley face’ as a site mark in the epigastrium. Consent was taken for umbilical hernia repair. The child came to theatre with their parent and was checked in, though the site mark was not inspected. Once in theatre, the ‘time out’ was performed before the surgeon scrubbed and the patient prepared and draped. The trainee scrubbed with a junior colleague and started the procedure, making an incision in the epigastrium at the site of the site mark. The consultant entered theatre just after the incision was made and noted the error. The consultant then scrubbed in and undertook the correct procedure. The family were informed and received feedback from the root cause analysis investigation.

March 2025

Please consider the issues. Formulate your view. When you are ready to read the Expert Panel comments Press Here.

Reporter’s Comments:

Two things stood out when the case review was undertaken. One was the site mark which was distracting. The trainee reflected that they thought the child was having an epigastric hernia repair as they commenced the incision. The second factor was, that despite undertaking appropriate check lists, this failed to prevent what was classified as a never event, wrong site surgery.

CORESS comments:

Surgical standards for incision site marking are outlined in detail in the national Safety Standards for Interventional Procedures (NatSSIPs 2 – Centre for Perioperative Care, 2023)1. Site marking is covered in the pre-operative WHO checklist and this was an opportunity to have clarified that the proposed incision corresponded with the operation to be undertaken.


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