
Please support us by donating now

Individual giving by:


  • Join our Sponsor scheme and be part of the work we do.

Individual Membership

Regular giving of at least £20 per month


  • Invitation to the CORESS prestigious Annual Networking Event

How will your support be used

The CORESS programme focusses on detecting and learning from no-harm, near-miss and low-harm events encountered during routine surgical practice. This learning is then disseminated to surgeons and their teams throughout the UK for the benefit of their patients.

Your donation will help us raise funds to:

  • Increase Secure Reporting – use technology to make it easier to report ‘precursor’ events
  • Extend Learning Output – increase the range and scope of feedback reports to all specialties
  • Increase Learning Opportunities –provide training days, webinars and publications
  • Develop the CORESS Network for Information Sharing – alerting professional and government bodies to any specific concerns as they emerge

Thank you, your help will make a difference.

Professor Sir Neil Mortensen
MB ChB, MA, MD, FRCS Eng, FDS hon, FRCPS Glas hon, FRCS Edin hon, FRCSI hon, FACS hon
Chair CORESS Board of Trustees