
Who can report?

Any surgeon or surgical trainee, irrespective of specialty, can submit reports, in confidence, to CORESS.

How do I report?

Reports can be submitted online through this site. They can also be made by mail, using the Reporting Form which can be downloaded from this website, and sent to our registered address at the Royal College of Surgeons, marked ‘FAO the CORESS Programme Director’.

When do I report?

We are interested in any safety-related incident involving yourself, other people, your hospital or other organisations that you deal with. Incidents may be diagnostic or operative errors, technical or maintenance failures, regulatory or procedural aspects or unsafe practices/protocols.

What not to report?

There is no educational value in incidents where no lesson can be learned. Therefore, incidents with no safety content, issues involving conflicts of personalities and problems involving industrial relations or terms and conditions of employment are not, generally, useful.

Why should I report?

CORESS is complimentary, not an alternative, to other incident reporting requirements, statutory or otherwise. Useful lessons may often be learned from incidents which do not result in adverse consequences and may only be known to the reporter. CORESS is a service provided by surgeons for surgeons and would like to hear about any safety related issue from which lessons can be learned.

What happens to my report?

When all identifiable data has been removed, your report is reviewed by experts in the appropriate specialty. If useful lessons can be learned an unidentifiable version may be published in the surgical literature.

Is my report secure?

CORESS would like to hear from you when you are concerned to protect your identity but anonymous reports are not normally accepted. However, confidentiality is fundamental to the concept of the CORESS service. On receipt of your report, identifying data are removed and it is transferred to a standalone computer with no wired or wireless connections to any network. Identifying data is available to the Programme Director and System Manager only. The reporter will be informed of the proposed outcome. The original report will then be returned to the reporter and all identifying data securely deleted from the CORESS system before any feedback publication. The Freedom of Information Act applies to government departments in the public sector and some private sector organisations carrying out duties on behalf of government, including the privatised utilities.

CORESS is an independent charity (charity number 1134175) which exists to provide a safety information service to and on behalf of the surgical community. The Freedom of Information Act therefore does not apply to CORESS.

You can submit a report using the Online Reporting Form below:

Any surgeon or surgical trainee, irrespective of specialty, can submit reports, in confidence, to CORESS. We would like to encourage all to report incidents of actual or near harm as well as near-misses, where there are lessons from which the whole community can learn. Every submission is treated in the strictest confidence and when published will never contain any clues as to its origin. Before submitting a report, please Click here to read online the Terms of Use

    * Mandatory field

    Account of Incident*

    Main Causative Factors*

    In my opinion, the main causative factors were/are as follows:

    Causative Factor - 1

    Causative Factor - 2

    Causative Factor - 3

    Lessons Learned *

    Date and time of incident



    Personal Details

    Your Name

    Address for correspondence including post code:

    Preferred contact telephone number:

    Your Email Address

    Your Position*

    Please select your designation from the drop down menu:

    Category of patient

    Please select from the drop down menu

    Any case related images can be emailed to, please ensure consent is in place and there are no identifying factors.
